They are connected, social-savvy, excited about the future, and they want to have a say in the future of accounting and in their careers.
How do we know that, you might be thinking?
We asked.
Using our interactive conference participation software,, and our soon-to-be-famous MBSN (or Management by Sticky Notes), we engaged a group of accounting students in a conversation about what they want from future employers and their associations. You can see those results along with the presentation in the slidedeck below.
We engaged them in our Insights to Action process, in which we covered the history of the profession (hindsight), the future of the profession (foresight), and then back to the current state of things (insight). They had lots of questions and comments throughout the day, and many stayed long after the end of the program at 1:00pm.
We promised to share many of the videos and resources from our presentation with the students, and I hope they will share their thoughts and comments on this blog post below.
- History of the CPA profession, from AICPA Evolution of a Profession video
- History: MACPA’s “without CPAs, what would the world miss” video
- CPA Horizon’s 2025 Project: Profession vision and strategy on a page
- CPA Horizon’s 2025 Project: Full resource center by AICPA
- CPA Horizon’s 2025 Project: YouTube playlist featuring students’ and eductaors’ perspectives on the future of accounting
Here is the slidedeck we presented on Saturday: